$47.00 AUD

Would you like to take control of your time?

We want to offer a special deal to purchase our Time Management Workshop that helps you to create the ideal week and best manage your time. 

It's a ONE TIME OFFER,  just $17

It also incudes several handy templates! You’ll be sent the on demand training instantly upon purchasing!

Calm The Conflict Masterclass

You'll gain the confidence to handle conflicts with clients, both in your professional and personal life, in a manner that aligns with your genuine self.

This masterclass training is perfect for you if you:

  • How to better understand your clients needs in communication to prevent conflict occurring in the first place. 
  • Communicate effectively with your clients during conflicts
  • How to take control of conflicts and become a master of managing client relationships
  • How to connect deeper with your clients to show them you truely understand your needs

For just $47 you can learn these smart and sustainable strategies and dialogue that are not only easy to implement but that you’ll be able reap the benefits for months and years to come. 

This workshop is ON DEMAND meaning you'll get access to view the training as soon as you purchase!

Upon registering you'll be taken to the training and sent the link so you can watch at a time that suits you